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Dairy Cattle

Dairy Farmers

Dairy Cattle

This region has a proud dairy farming history, dating back to the opening of the Mercury Bay Dairy Co-op in 1911. We are passionate about continuing this legacy by keeping local farms flourishing with our comprehensive and dedicated veterinary services, which include:

- Animal Health planning and disease prevention
- Accurate, aged pregnancy testing via modern back-pack ultrasound scanner. All results entered into MINDA, free of charge.

- Full reproductive services including metrichecking, non-cycler treatments/synchronisation
  and InCalf advisory service
- Body Condition Scoring (by a DairyNZ accredited scorer)
- BVD testing, BVD vaccinations, problem solving and management
- Trace element testing (blood testing/liver biopsies), advice and customised supplementation
  for individual farms
- Metabolics advice, including ketosis “energy” testing after calving
- Weekly spore counting service via text message from January-April
- Facial eczema prevention advice
- Mastitis and Dry Cow Therapy advice, SCC troubleshooting
- Dry Cow/teat seal administration and Heifer teat sealing
- Lame cow treatment and lameness prevention
- “Pain free” calf debudding/dehorning with sedation and local anaesthetic at competitive
- Difficult calvings and other emergencies

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